- 2Access to information
- 5Accounts/ Customer Service
- 53Accounts/Statements/Billing
- 7Animal & Pest control
- 1Banking Details
- 1Beaches
- 37Building Inspectorate
- 14Business
- 5By-Laws
- 4Cemeteries
- 2Conservatory
- 18Electricity
- 11Environment / Trees / Grass
- 8Environmental Management
- 1Film and Music
- 13Fire Safety
- 6Fire Training and Skills Development
- 6Free Basic Services & Subsidies
- 14GV - General Valuations
- 1Health Care Waste Generators
- 3Illegal Dumping
- 10Land
- 6Libraries
- 11Licences & Permits
- 1Load shedding
- 3Maps
- 8mSCOA
- 13Occupational Health & Safety - Construction
- 2Plants and animals
- 5Pollution
- 3Public Park
- 9Rates
- 1Recycling
- 8Refuse
- 4RRTT (Rapid Response Task Team)
- 9Sanitation/Sewerage/Sewage
- 2Strategic Projects
- 5Supply Chain Management
- 19Traffic
- 3Urban Agriculture
- 2Waste Disposal
- 6Waste Transporters
- 19Water