Cruise liner Access



The Nelson Mandela Bay Cruise Ship Strategy has been developed by an industry task team to ensure Nelson Mandela Bay becomes a national leader and destination of choice for cruise lines visiting South Africa. For the city to reach growth in the cruise line industry, the focus must be on the following objectives amongst others:

  • Continue to attract more cruise lines to the city;
  • Educate the industry on the importance of the cruise industry as well as how it operates;
  • Ensure quality services, products and experiences are provided to visiting cruise lines and passengers;
  • Encourage investment in new products, experiences and destination infrastructure;
  • Maximise opportunities for cruise liners and passengers to spend money in the city and reduce leakage;
  • Increase regional dispersal from cruise passengers when they visit.
  • Promote business tourism opportunities and incentivise cruise ships to support the development of SMME opportunities.

This strategy provides the City, key industry stakeholders and regional partners with clear direction by identifying priority action areas that will assist us in reaching our growth potential in the cruise industry.

In order to establish new cruise liner dockings to the city there are two forms of assistance offered by the municipality. 


For more information on the above and other support available, kindly contact our destination marketing team.

Mr. Doné Louw
Tel: 041 503 7566


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